Wicked Yoda's

Use these options if you want to mount a samba network share through /etc/fstab and Tailscale

Hi all, I just spent some time getting this to work the way I want to and I wanted to share some stuff I found that might save other people some time.

Use these options (on top of the ones you need for your credentials)

Don’t use these options:

As a complete example, here’s the line I appended to the fstab

//minipc/shared                           /var/home/shared        cifs    username=yourusername,password=yourpassword,uid=yourusername,gid=yourgroup,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.requires=tailscaled.service,x-systemd.idle-timeout=60,x-systemd.mount-timeout=30 0 0

Credit to: u/XLNBot and his post.

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