Additional Python Resources for SNHU Students

IT-140 can be challenging if you have never done scripting or worked with Python. Please view this video to see how IT-140 fits into your program. It also has some great tips to be successful. Preparation, time management, and using the resources at your disposal will help make this a more straightforward course to manage when the time comes.

Your Teacher
First and foremost, if you have questions or need any help, please email your teacher first! You can always pull up their contact information by logging into the course, clicking on the Course Menu, and then Announcements. Once on the announcements page, your teacher should have their SNHU Webmail posted as one of the first posts. Be sure to email them from your own SNHU Webmail!
Academic Support / Tutoring 
For academic support options such as tutoring, coaching, feedback for papers, workshops, live chat sessions, etc., please check out the Academic Support tab in Brightspace.
Here is a quick video on accessing the academic support page from any course in Brightspace: Access Writing & STEM Help.
There is 24/7 drop-in tutoring available for Intro to Scripting on the Academic Support Page.
Be sure to select “Computer Science and Programming” as your topic, and for the subject, like “Programming: Python.”
I also highly recommend preparing all your material before logging into a tutoring session. You can upload documents, templates, and screenshots so that the tutor can see what you are working on and what you need help with. Before entering the tutoring session, select the audio capabilities if you wish to talk with your tutor during the session.

Additional Information / Helpful Resources
 IT-140 Recorded Lessons

Recorded Lessons by module.  Each video is approximately an hour long.
Module 1 Recorded Lesson
Module 2 Recorded Lesson
Module 3 Recorded Lesson
Module 4 Recorded Lesson
Module 5 Recorded Lesson
Module 6 Recorded Lesson
Module 7 Recorded Lesson
Module 8 Recorded Lesson

         Free Online Book –  Book – Head First Python – A Brain Friendly Guide (*You do not need to pay with O’Reilly Publishing! Click on Sign In, and then enter your SNHU Webmail address. Ignore the password field and click Sign in. From there, you can sign in with Single Sign On, and you are good to go! )
         Free Online Book –  Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
         Coding in the Classroom – Hoonuit:
         Helpful (not required) Book: Automate The Boring Stuff With Python, 2nd Edition by Al Sweigart
         Helpful (not required) Book: Learning Python, 5th EditionFifth Edition  by Mark Lutz  Amazon: & any or most recent edition of Python for Dummies found on
Introduction to Python: Learn How to Program Today with Python:(*You do not need to pay with O’Reilly Publishing! Click on Sign In, and then enter your SNHU Webmail address. Ignore the password field and click Sign in. From there, you can sign in with Single Sign On, and you are good to go! )

Control Flow with Conditionals: Get more context: solve problems like a programmer
Strings and Variables: Variables and Strings
Numbers and Math: Numbers, Numeric Operations, and Numeric Functions
Booleans and Conditionals: Booleans
Booleans and Conditionals: Conditionals
Lists: Loops
For Loops: For Loops
While Loops: While Loops
Lists: Lists
         Dictionaries, Part 1
         Dictionaries, Part 2
Data Structures :
         Lists
         Dictionaries
         Create and manipulate lists
Functions, Part 1
Functions, Part 2
Python and Programming Basics:
         Write your own functions
Structure of a Function
Files, Part 1
Files, Part 2
         Read Files
How to use loops in Python

Here is an excellent series of videos that may be helpful this term; the entire video can be seen here and here are the various sections:

Sense Education Tutoring Tool – IT-140

Purchase this – it is worth the money if you need help. It is an AI Tutoring Program. You can get it from the SNHU Book Store- it is currently listed as an optional course material.

STEM Library Guide: Information Technology Section